
Dues Breakdown 2023-24

Dues Breakdown 2024-25

All Dues must be paid in full by October 8th. We accept cash & checks. Dues help cover the cost of BSA Membership, Dan Beard Council Activity fees, Pinewood Derby cars, awards, and neckerchief & slides. 

Kindergarten & 1st Graders: $160 

($110 BSA membership & Council Activity fee/$50 Pack dues) 

2nd-4th Graders: $190 

($140 BSA membership & Council Activity fees, $50 Pack dues)

5th Graders: $215 

($165 BSA membership & Council Activity fees, $50 Pack dues)

Scout Life magazine subscriptions are optional, the annual cost is $1 per issue. 

We offer the option for dues reimbursement for popcorn sales- $10 for every $100 sold. It is possible to pay for scouting through popcorn! Popcorn is also how we pay for our program- meeting supplies, Pinewood Derby trophies, special patches and awards. It helps reduce the cost of campouts, zoo overnights, or other special trips. It also covers the cost of bringing in special visitors or other experiences that make Cub Scout Pack meetings fun!

We do NOT want cost to be a barrier for joining scouts. Please let us know if you need financial assistance. There are funds available.